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Reasons For The Emerging Trend Of Free Stuff

The proverb "there is no such thing as a free lunch" seems to be getting more and more false today. Indeed, in recent times, it is observed that free things are constantly given by corporations and even between friends, seemingly as an attempt to foster stronger bonds between the person/corporation who gives the free gift and the one who received it.

In today's world, major corporations all over the world understand the implications of the mass media. While there are some consumers affected by aggressive and informative advertising that is present all around us, many are getting smarter. In a response to this rising trend of conscious consumers, it is believed that a free trial should be given to consumers in a bid to garner stronger support for the brands.

With that said, perhaps it is of little surprise that Multinational Corporations like Hugo, Lacoste, Dove offer free samples for its products. They are willing to provide consumers with the chance to determine if the products they offer really suit them. Many a times, by doing that, they often reassure consumers in the sense that says "Look, you can try my product, i am sure you will like it" message to consumers.

To reassure the consumers and to build stronger brand loyalty, the proverb indeed seems to be getting increasingly false.

However, this is not just the only reason for the emerging trend of free stuffs.

I personally believe that free stuff or even a gift is sometimes given with the purest of intentions, simply to pamper the one you love or to show them that you care about them. Even though i personally do not adhere to the culture of buying diamonds for the girl you love, i do believe in giving free things that matter, things that are chosen or built with much thought and sincerity.

Next, sometimes funny as it seems, people also "throw away" the things they do not want to other people. A used cooker may be one man's junk but another's treasure. In a way, many free things are received by people who are and consciously looking for them.

With that much said, free stuff has also been a rising trend in many less developed countries. Free stuffs are given by charities all over the globe to the less fortunate in these countries like Kenya, India, Philippines etc. These are countries that are devastated by poverty and need our help.

In conclusion, perhaps it is not so surprising now that we analyze it at so many levels, "A FREE LUNCH IS POSSIBLE!"

Site Last Updated:
October 5, 2009

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